Crate pallet_schemas

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§Schemas Pallet

The Schemas pallet provides functionality for handling schemas.


This pallet provides an on chain repository for schemas, thereby allowing participants of the network to flexibly interact and exchange messages with each other without facing the challenge of sharing, managing and validating messages as well as schemas between them.

NOTE: In this pallet we define the payload structure that is used in Messages Pallet.

The Schema pallet provides functions for:

  • Registering a new schema.
  • Setting maximum schema model size by governance.
  • Retrieving latest registered schema id.
  • Retrieving schemas by their id.


  • Schema: The structure that defines how a Message is stored and structured.
  • Schema Model: Serialization/Deserialization details of the schema
  • Schema Model Type: The type of the following Serialization/Deserialization. It can be Avro, Parquet or …


  • SchemaValidator: Functions for accessing and validating Schemas. This implementation is what is used in the runtime.
  • SchemaProvider: Allows another pallet to resolve schema information.

§Genesis config

The Schemas pallet depends on the GenesisConfig.



  • migration module
  • The pallet module in each FRAME pallet hosts the most important items needed to construct this pallet.
  • Autogenerated weights for pallet_schemas



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