Crate pallet_msa

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§MSA Pallet

The MSA pallet provides functionality for handling Message Source Accounts.


The Message Source Account (MSA) is an account that can be sponsored such that public keys attached to the account to control the MSA are not required to hold any balance, while still being able to control revocation of any delegation or control.

The MSA is represented by an Id and has one or more public keys attached to it for control. The same public key may only be attached to ONE MSA at any single point in time.

The MSA pallet provides functions for:

  • Creating, reading, updating, and deleting operations for MSAs.
  • Managing delegation relationships for MSAs.
  • Managing keys associated with MSA.


  • MSA: Message Source Account. A Source or Provider Account for Frequency Messages. It may or may not have Capacity. It must have at least one public key (AccountId) associated with it. An MSA is required for sending Capacity-based messages and for creating Delegations.
  • MSA ID: the ID number created for a new Message Source Account and associated with one or more Public Keys.
  • MSA Public Key: the keys that control the MSA, represented by Substrate AccountId.
  • Delegator: a Message Source Account that has provably delegated certain actions to a Provider, typically sending a Message
  • Provider: the Message Source Account that a Delegator has delegated specific actions to.
  • Delegation: A stored Delegator-Provider association between MSAs which permits the Provider to perform specific actions on the Delegator’s behalf.



  • Total MSA keys should be less than the constant Config::MSA::MaxPublicKeysPerMsa.
  • Maximum schemas, for which provider has publishing rights, be less than Config::MSA::MaxSchemaGrantsPerDelegation



  • Offchain storage for MSA pallet
  • The pallet module in each FRAME pallet hosts the most important items needed to construct this pallet.
  • Types for the MSA Pallet
  • Autogenerated weights for pallet_msa


  • The SignedExtension trait is implemented on CheckFreeExtrinsicUse to validate that a provider has not already been revoked if the calling extrinsic is revoking a provider to an MSA. The purpose of this is to ensure that the revoke_delegation_by_delegator extrinsic cannot be repeatedly called and flood the network.


  • Errors related to the validity of the CheckFreeExtrinsicUse signed extension.


  • A behavior that allows for retrieving a Handle for a given MessageSourceAccount


  • Wraps PREFIX and POSTFIX around a Vec<u8> Returns PREFIX ++ data ++ POSTFIX

Type Aliases§

  • Message Source Id or msaId is the unique identifier for Message Source Accounts